Driving Plant Hexcellence


Performance Predictive Maintenance Policy & Procedures Plant People Process

The Hexcellence Model, Hexcellence-3dcomprised of a ring of six hexagons, is the core of GeoMetric Reliability.

Each hexagon represents one of the six areas of focus your company will use to ensure superior performance.

The hexagon is a natural fit for this mission of excellence, with each of its six sides given the same importance while connecting seamlessly to others.

It also affords you the flexibility to implement specific areas of focus independently or all together, allowing you to adopt change at your pace and budget.

Click the cells below to learn more about each area.

The Cells

  people-2   plant   processes   policy-procedures   performance   Proactive-maintenance

I have known Scott Kelley for more than 12 years. His knowledge of maintenance processes and challenge was immediately apparent. Over time, I came to further appreciate the breadth and depth of his expertise in the field of Reliability Centered Maintenance.

Rocky Rutter

Chief Inspector, Predictive Inspection & Imaging, LLC